Source code for codegenloader.base

import imp
import itertools
import os
import sys

_counter = itertools.count()

if sys.version_info > (3,):
def exec_in(code, glob, loc=None):
    if isinstance(code, str):
        code = compile(code, '<string>', 'exec', dont_inherit=True)
    exec(code, glob, loc)
def exec_in(code, glob, loc=None):
    if isinstance(code, basestring):
        # exec(string) inherits the caller's future imports; compile
        # the string first to prevent that.
        code = compile(code, '<string>', 'exec', dont_inherit=True)
    exec code in glob, loc

[docs]class CodeGenLoader(object): """Abstract base class for code generation import hooks. The entry point for applications is to define a subclass and use the `register` class method to set __path__. This will make the module where __path__ was assigned a pseudo-package from which the generated code can be imported. The interface between this class and the python interpreter is defined in PEP 302: """ # Class entry points @classmethod
[docs] def register(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Registers an import hook. Arguments are passed (eventually) to `initialize`. """ cls._install_hook() hook_key = '__codegenloader_%d' % next(_counter) if not hasattr(cls, "_register_args"): cls._register_args = {} cls._register_args[hook_key] = (args, kwargs) return [hook_key]
@classmethod def _install_hook(cls): """Installs this loader as a ``path_hook``.""" if hasattr(cls, "_hook_installed"): return sys.path_hooks.append(cls) cls._hook_installed = True # PEP302 implementation def __init__(self, path): """Constructs a CodeGenLoader. Implements the hook protocol from PEP 302: it is called with a "path", and returns a loader if we can handle that path (i.e. if the path is actually a unique token we created in `register`), or raises an ImportError if not. """ if path in self._register_args: self.hook_key = path args, kwargs = self._register_args[path] self.initialize(*args, **kwargs) else: raise ImportError("not my path")
[docs] def initialize(self, modname, basedir): """Real initialization function, independent of PEP302 requirements. ``modname`` is the module name relative to which the generated code will be imported. ``basedir`` is the directory in which the source files for generation can be found. If it is not an absolute path, it is interpreted as relative to the file containing ``modname`` """ self.basename = modname + '.' if os.path.isabs(basedir): self.basedir = basedir else: self.basedir = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(sys.modules[modname].__file__), basedir) self.contents = {}
[docs] def find_module(self, fullname): """Returns a loader object for the module ``fullname``, if it exists. Implements the "finder" portion of the PEP 302 interface. """ relname = self.get_relname(fullname) try: self.get_contents(relname) # No error: we can load the module return self except KeyError: if not self.can_generate(relname): return None self.generate(relname) # Try again after generating try: self.get_contents(relname) return self except KeyError: # Still not there return None
[docs] def load_module(self, fullname): """Returns the module named ``fullname``. Implements the "loader" portion of the PEP 302 interface. """ relname = self.get_relname(fullname) # This should never fail since python always calls find_module first is_pkg, contents = self.get_contents(relname) mod = sys.modules.setdefault(fullname, imp.new_module(fullname)) mod.__file__ = '<codegenloader %s>' % fullname mod.__loader__ = self if is_pkg: mod.__path__ = [self.hook_key] exec_in(contents, mod.__dict__) return mod # Internal methods
[docs] def get_relname(self, fullname): """Converts a fully-qualified module name to a relative one.""" assert fullname.startswith(self.basename) return fullname[len(self.basename):]
[docs] def get_contents(self, relname): """Return a tuple (is_pkg, contents) if code is stored for this module. If the code is not found, raises KeyError. """ relpath = relname.replace('.', '/') init_path = relpath + '/' if init_path in self.contents: return True, self.contents[init_path] mod_path = relpath + '.py' if mod_path in self.contents: return False, self.contents[mod_path] raise KeyError("code not found for %s" % relname)
[docs] def store_contents(self, relpath, contents): """Store the contents of a file at relpath. To be called from subclasses after code has been generated. """ assert relpath not in self.contents self.contents[relpath] = contents # Methods for overriding in subclass
[docs] def can_generate(self, relname): """Should return True if we can generate a module named ``relname``.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def generate(self, relname): """Generate code for module ``relname``. Should call `store_contents` for any files generated. """ raise NotImplementedError()